Automated Deployment of Nginx Application to Kubernetes Cluster using Docker, Ansible,Github, and AWS ECR

Automated Deployment of Nginx Application to Kubernetes Cluster using Docker, Ansible,Github, and AWS ECR

Table of Contents:

  1. Understanding the Technologies

    • Docker: Containerization for Consistent Environments

    • Kubernetes: Orchestrating Containers at Scale(kops)

    • Ansible: Automating Infrastructure Configuration

    • AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR): Secure Container Image Storage

  2. Building and Pushing the Docker Image to AWS ECR

    • Setting up Docker CLI

    • Creating a Dockerfile for Nginx Application

    • Building the Docker Image

    • Pushing the Docker Image to AWS ECR

  3. Creating Ansible Role for Kubernetes Deployment

    • Defining the Role Structure

    • Writing Ansible Tasks for Deployment

    • Configuring Kubernetes Resources (Pods, Services, etc.)

    • Applying the Ansible Role to the Kubernetes Cluster

  4. Creating Ansible Playbook for Nginx Application Deployment

    • Defining the Playbook Structure

    • Including the Kubernetes Deployment Role

    • Specifying Variables and Configuration

    • Executing the Playbook

  5. Verifying the Deployment

    • Accessing the Nginx Website

    • Testing Load Balancing and Scalability

    • Monitoring the Cluster with Kubernetes Tools



Now connect this workspace ec2 instance to the terminal. After connect the ec2 then update the packages

Now create an IAM user of CLI, generate an access key & secret key, and give admin access. Save the access key and secret key in notepad for further use.

Now install Aws cli.

curl "" -o ""

sudo apt-get install unzip


sudo ./aws/install

After installation of AWS CLI to set a path:

sudo vim .bashrc

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/

source .bashrc

Now check the version

aws --version


Install Kops and Kubectl for creating clusters of k8s (master and node) from the workspace ec2 instance.

sudo curl -LO "[$(curl]($(curl) -L -s"

sudo wget

Change Permissions: sudo chmod +x kops-linux-amd64 kubectl

Move Files: sudo mv kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

Move Files: sudo mv kops-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/kops

kubectl version kops version


Configure AWS CLI in workspace ec2 instance for creating k8s clusters and etcd of s3 bucket using kops commands.

First, configure aws cli:

Now create an infrastructure of k8s cluster.

first, create etcd of k8s in aws using s3 bucket as Mumbai region.

aws s3api create-bucket --bucket sana.k8s.local --region ap-south-1 --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=ap-south-1

Enable Bucket Version: aws s3api put-bucket-versioning --bucket sana.k8s.local --region ap-south-1 --versioning-configuration Status=Enabled


export KOPS_STATE_STORE=s3://sana.k8s.local

GENERATE-KEY for clusters:


Now create cluster from workspace instance.

kops create cluster --name sana.k8s.local --zones ap-south-1a --master-size t2.medium --node-size t2.micro

After creating cluster if u edit ur cluster follow this suggestion:

  • list clusters with: kops get cluster

  • edit this cluster with: kops edit cluster sana.k8s.local

  • edit your node instance group: kops edit ig --name=sana.k8s.local nodes-ap-south-1a

  • edit your master instance group: kops edit ig --name=sana.k8s.local master-ap-south-1a

Now cluster is created and now run the cluster with help of this command.

kops update cluster --name sana.k8s.local --yes --admin

see cluster is created.


Create Elastic Container Registry(ECR) in AWS.

Create repo in public of ecr.


Create a dockerfile


Now clone the sample web application in my github repo for that first install git in your workspace ec2 instance.

sudo apt-get install git -y

sudo git clone (site1)

sudo git clone (site2)

Now build the image with your ecr repo name follow this ecr commands

sudo apt-get install -y

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

newgrp docker

this is ecr "sana" repo commands.

see now I successfully pushed image to ecr repo of aws


After successfully image is pushed from docker cli to ecr repo of aws. Now install Ansible for deploy the web app in k8s clusters.

sudo apt-get install ansible -y

Now write ansble playbook

context_name: "context name" (kubectl config current-context)

namespace_name: "give the namespace for ur cluster"

ecr_image: "ur ecr repo link"

app_port: 80

deploymentservice_name: "k8s deployment yml file"

Now create k8s deployment yaml file for pods creation.


Now run the playbook ansible.

ansible-playbook deploy-nginx-app.yml

See successfully created pods in k8s from workspace ec2 instance.

kubectl get pods -n em


Now copy the load balancer DNS of k8s cluster in AWS and browse in browser.

kubec svc -o wide -n em

Finally u get the output.

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Ashok sana

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